Feel Useless?
I feel useless. I don't know what to do with myself now? I want to be left alone. No one understands me. Have you heard yourself say these words very >>
I feel useless. I don't know what to do with myself now? I want to be left alone. No one understands me. Have you heard yourself say these words very >>
Don't I deserve a little peace of mind? You have often asked God whether you are deserving or not? You have worked so hard and prayed to The Lord and >>
Why does it cost money for everything? It costs money to get married. It costs money to bring a child into this world. It costs money to educate the child. >>
The devious mind is the pathway out of Eden! She had just lost her husband. Without a job or money in the bank, she felt naked and deprived by destiny. >>
You have become stone deaf now. When you don't understand a word of what your child says and you get frustrated beyond measures. Sometimes, we all have to go through >>
What is one mans truth is other mans falsehood, what is food for one is poison for another. What is one mans beautiful baby is another mans ugly monkey! But >>
When does a wife become wise? When she replaces the F(ool) by a S(age)!