Chat App!
Dear God, I was wanting to talk to you last week but I had no time then. Wish you were on some chat-app! So today, you are free, I guess. >>
Dear God, I was wanting to talk to you last week but I had no time then. Wish you were on some chat-app! So today, you are free, I guess. >>
Oh God, I am so tired. I really have no time to do anything. You are a very busy young woman! I wish I had four hands and more hours >>
Life sucks, she said to me. My 24 year old son beats me up and so does his father. I asked her what do they both do? She told me >>
God, I just want to leave everything and go to the mountains or some faraway place. So you are tired of life or are you under too much pressure at >>
Commitment of any kind has to be kept. Whether it is of returning a favor or just paying your monthly rentals. It may seem absolutely trivial and unworthy of commenting >>
What is the difference between those who talk and those who just do work? You have heard almost everyone just talk and talk. But you must have also seen people >>
When you say be devoted to me, what exactly do you mean God? Be devoted to me, means you should have only me to think about and nothing else. But >>
To have faith in God is one thing but to work towards it is another. Having faith in God doesn't mean to leave everything for Him to do. It means >>
Do you love your job? Most of us will answer vehemently with a negative. So my next question will be, why not? You will say there are too many contentious >>
She cooks three meals a day. She has to wash some delicate clothes by hand too, while the others are put in the washing machine. She wakes up the two >>
I feel useless. I don't know what to do with myself now? I want to be left alone. No one understands me. Have you heard yourself say these words very >>
We are always bothered about results and achievements! How does one not focus on the results in this material world? Every time it is mentioned that you shouldn't be bothered >>