Results And Achievements!
We are always bothered about results and achievements! How does one not focus on the results in this material world? Every time it is mentioned that you shouldn't be bothered >>
We are always bothered about results and achievements! How does one not focus on the results in this material world? Every time it is mentioned that you shouldn't be bothered >>
I am very busy. I have too many things to do. There is no time for some other things to be done. I wish there were more than 24 hours >>
The simple tasks are the most difficult ones to perform. Do you know the toughest thing for any human beings to perform are the most menial or mundane tasks? Ask >>
This is a story of a humming bird and a crow. Many years ago I met a very old friend in a cycle shop. He had dropped out of school >>
You Are Dispensable. We all believe the world will come to a standstill or end if we are not there to solve its issues. The world of chaos is what >>
Why does she always wear the torn underwears? She worked for a big multinational. She bought a house on loan. She paid the equated monthly installments regularly. She lovingly decorated >>
Life of a pig rolling in dirt! Every morning he brought the newspapers in. Checked the mailbox. Had his breakfast. Read his daily papers for over two hours. Later he >>
How does the trend begin? He had five pairs of shoes. He wore one pair per day to work. He was always immaculately dressed. A matching top and bottom too. >>
Every human has a choice- to cry and drown in their past OR to rise above and dream a better future and start working for it right now! Image Courtesy >>
The nocturnal world is a strange one! There is a different world out there which we just accept it but hardly know much about. It's a world of the ones >>
The mind wags the tongue! When the legs work, the hands support it. When hands work, legs support them. But when the tongue interferes the hands and legs slow down. >>
Do you give some time for God in your entire day? Hardly any or not at all! That will be your answer, I am sure. We find time for every >>