Where Is The Water?
Where is the water? Water, water, everywhere and not a drop to drink! Can you imagine this condition in the world? Yes, we live in this whole wide world with >>
Where is the water? Water, water, everywhere and not a drop to drink! Can you imagine this condition in the world? Yes, we live in this whole wide world with >>
Why does it cost money for everything? It costs money to get married. It costs money to bring a child into this world. It costs money to educate the child. >>
The devious mind is the pathway out of Eden! She had just lost her husband. Without a job or money in the bank, she felt naked and deprived by destiny. >>
What's initiative? Hardly anyone works on his own steam. Everyone needs a prod before they move. Those who have their own motivation to do the stuff are called the ones >>
Have you seen the purple tomato? If the world were to change to colors which are unacceptable to mans taste, then there would be chaos and wonderment too. The red >>
You have become stone deaf now. When you don't understand a word of what your child says and you get frustrated beyond measures. Sometimes, we all have to go through >>
You can look at the furtherest fringes of this universe, create babies from different components like a production assembly, make the fastest computers, create newer elements, program a human mind >>
So who owns you? How are people born? They are believed to be born out of sexual union of male and female. What does that verse in Gita mean? Everyone >>
There is too much suspicion after truce also. You have just had a terrible fight with someone and have patched up. Now any words that are exchanged by either parties >>
What is truth in the material world is false in the spiritual world and what is truth and falsehood in both these worlds is neither in the divine. Far beyond >>
The dung beetle lives and loves the dung, the pig lives in the pen and loves the dirt, the snake lives in his hole and hissed and eats vermin. Now >>
Save to best for last sings Vanessa. Why? Once a young man visited his to be in laws place. He was served all sorts of food. The whole family watched >>