The Real Truth

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Retelling the story every time changes the fabric of the story. Truth is always one but falsehood has too many versions. Be truthful.

There are too many versions of the epics like Ramayana and every story has versions of what everyone believes is the truth. Truth cannot be distorted but one can keep on changing the versions so that it finally looks nothing like the original.

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When we speak of truth which is itself subjective by nature, one tends to believe the most plausible explanation of the truth. Let me say that it is a relative version of what seems like the truth. Every individual’s truth is his own version of it. Ask an old man and he will say how many years he has been suffering from arthritis or pains. Factually he was under treatment only for the last few years. But his version twists the truth and he feels the pain is going on forever. Similarly, he will recount everything and say that things were not so bad in the good old days. His father said the same thing and so did all his forefathers.

In this world of Maya, nothing is real. Everything is relative to something else. It is comparable to any other closest object. Never get carried away by Maya since she shows a kaleidoscope of hues to every sentient and insentient stuff. Go beyond and see that truth which cannot be tainted or altered.

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