Categories: Parabolic Parables

The Story Of A Passport

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This is the story of a passport. She was kicked, punched, mauled and bruised. She took all the abuses and never budged from being a dutiful wife.
She knew he loved her way beyond anything. She was aware he had a wild temper. He forgot what he was doing when he became violent.
Then one day, her daughter came in the middle. Instead of her getting hit by him, the daughter was hit very badly. She had a cut under her eye. She had to be taken to the hospital urgently. There were six stitches put under her eye.
That was the trigger which set off a chain reaction. She walked out of the house, never to return again. Her daughter was hurt. She did not mind if he beat her, but her daughter….?
When she left from that house, she took away the most important documents of his. The passport with the stamped US visa, his identification card, documents which were of extreme importance.
He came many times to beg from her. But she was adamant. She wanted him to burn and feel the hurt. He couldn’t take up the job in the USA. He lost out on good opportunities.
One year went by.
Then one fine day, she couriered the entire set of documents back to him.

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Image Courtesy by pixabay

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