Categories: Parabolic Parables

The Swan And The Crow

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Once a crow decided that he wanted to become brighter and whiter than the swan. He saw the regal bird and felt very small about his own appearance.
He wondered what he could do to become that. As he was sitting on a huge billboard of a detergent which talked of whitest and brightest clothes, he thought he could wash himself in that. He got a pack of the advertised detergent and took bath many times using that detergent. He only scalded himself with the chemicals in it. Otherwise he couldn’t see any change with his appearance.
Next he saw a poster of a whitest paint for cleanest walls. Maybe he thought, he could try that. He dipped himself in a tub full of that wall paint and came out white. He wanted to clean himself so he took a bath after that. The paint just slipped off. He became black again.
Then he thought he could try the whiteness creams sold in the market. He tried all that the super stars recommended but nothing happened. He still remained black.
Finally, he gave up trying to become fair and clean, white and lovely, bright and handsome. Silky smooth or brightest and whitest. Nothing gave him that which he desired.
He was very crest fallen. He went to meet the sage Owl.
The owl told him that nothing can change his appearance since he is recognized by his original looks. If he became fair like the crow who has a skin disorder, he would be caught and put in a cage. He would become a specimen for research. Next he would be rejected by his own community of crows. Also he couldn’t compete for a swan girlfriend, could he?
So it is better to be who he is, the owl said.
The crow felt happy and gave up his false belief to become someone else and thanked the sage and flew away happily.
The moral of this story is don’t try to become someone you are not. Be your true self.

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Image Courtesy by pixabay

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