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Things Happen

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Why do things happen? Sometimes you wonder why you are there in that place? Nothing seems to happen or nothing changes, so what in Gods name are you there for? There are no logical answers for some really silly things in life. So then why are we struggling to find out the why’s or wherefore’s?
No idea why the leaves fall? No idea why the rains come off season? No idea why you suddenly broke up? No idea why he died even when he was hale and hearty? No reasons to get rejected at the Harward’s or MIT’s? Why did he win the lottery when he never plays regularly, while you do? Why does the silly guy get that lovely maiden? Why does one fight for no rhyme or reason? Like these there are host of questions which have no plausible answers. So then why have these questions at all or those incidents which are not even ordinary or extraordinary? It is all so silly and stupid.
On top of it all you say that these things do not happen by chance or for no reason. No one can see reason here so why does God do these things? You say everything happens by the will of God! But I don’t see the will, only some silly personal vendetta or ego issue for God! Tell me what or why does he behave in the most illogical manner?
Ok! Let me assure you why some or all things happen not by fluke but by clear reason and knowledge of God. Everything is programmed to follow a clearly laid out path. Nothing can be outside that purview of His domain. Let’s begin to see the subtle logic in that. A few instances will suffice I guess.
A young man who had good money and job left these to go to the neighboring state. He started a small business and lost everything to return back to where he started. Reinstating his life back was very tough so he took up a small job! He asked me why this idiotic stuff had to happen? There seems no logical reason to think that way. I asked him one question in return. Who are the two most beloved people in his life? He answered, “my wife and kid!” So now where did he find them? Then it dawned upon him that he found his to-be wife in that new place and subsequently got married to her and had a lovely son! If he wouldn’t have gone to that new place, he wouldn’t have met his future wife.
Someone gets killed only to get a new law in place. Take the instance of humans using animals to test certain chemicals on them. Or the GM crops modified for human consumption. Frogs or other animals getting drugged for dissection to train human beings for medical studies. Someone getting shot at and then the world realizing the true threats therein. Likewise, you will know the real reasons for certain things happening only in retrospection. After a long time you will know why certain things happened that way.
Sometimes you get to hear about someone whom you don’t want to hear about, like your ex or some weird relative of yours! You may ask why should that happen? Why do you have to listen about these obnoxious people? But it is important to know since you don’t know the future. Why these incidents happen can never be known since they are the small piece of a very big jigsaw puzzle.
Don’t you see parents clapping away to glory when they see their toddler playing a tree in Jack and the Beanstalk or some such play in school. They never think their kid is playing an insignificant role in a great musical with a thousand kid actors or actresses. They value their kid and the silly role he or she played. It forms the big piece of that play. Just like supporting actors or prop men or even the doorman. The whole pieces makes up the painting. Let’s admire Mona Lisa but can we ignore the rest of the painting? No way.
In the same manner, some things happen to us since it forms the small patch in the big picture. No one can see the canvas of life in an instant. You have to wait for it to progress, until then you will not know why at some places there are different shades of red or gray.
So take every little thing in your stride. Do not consider the small things as insignificant or useless. Know that every little stuff has its value. But can you squeeze the most out of the circumstances? Are you not there in that place to profit from it? So make the best use of it. Don’t just keep on complaining about it.
If God gives you some free time, use it for resting to get charged up for more. Or use it to catch up on reading or writing. Don’t waste opportunities. They come so suddenly and disappear too. So make the maximum use of it. Don’t pooh pooh the time or space offered by Him. Take it to do something constructive. Don’t dwell unnecessarily on the whys and wherefores. Just do it right there and then. Who knows there mightn’t be a tomorrow for you in store!
Love today and be good to your own self. Take everyday in your stride. Live life today.

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Image Courtesy by deathtothestockphoto

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