Why do you fail?

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If you are already empowered by God to do certain duties, why do you blame Him if you fail? Take credit of your failures too and then try harder!

It is easier to blame someone else for your own mistakes and failures. Finding a scapegoat is very easy for the tamasic person. To pin the mistake on others is the job of a lazy, incompetent person. If one doesn’t find the scapegoat then it becomes easier to blame the unseen and unknown force in this universe called God.

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God is involved with everything happening in this world, everyone says! But is He truly involved? Yes, of course, everything happens under His will and domain but He isn’t involved with direct actions. When He has such competent persons like you who can handle all His petty stuff, why should He be involved? As an MD or CEO, the company head honcho is actually responsible for all that happens in his company but he has appointed his downlines to do all his work. If that is true then he isn’t supposed to involved physically in every action. He has his people who will do it and still it will be under his supervision and guidance.

Similarly, God has appointed the right people to execute the said jobs and duties and they better do it diligently and truthfully. So as a human being with a lot of responsibilities, do your duties with complete single-pointedness and make God proud of His own creation.

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