
Be Impeccable with Your Word

Published by
Shree RajShree Maa

You are what You Do, Not what You say You’ll Do.

When you say you will do something and don’t do it, you teach others including yourself that you cannot be trusted. To keep up promises and commitments are vital to lead by integrity and to set an example for the world to follow.

We have entered an age where people blow hot air. Everyone makes a promise which he or she don’t intend to keep. Three things you should never do in life and that is – You should never break promises, trust, and someone’s Heart. The promise is a like a cloud and fulfilment is the rain.

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In this world, it’s not what people tell you that matters, but it is how they treat you that reveals their true feelings. Their character is revealed not by the promised they make, but the promises they Keep. In the last 9 years, the one lesson my preceptor teaches is to do what I commit to doing.

I have failed myself many a time not keeping my word. He keeps drilling the same lessons and also leads by example on how to be a man of his word. I feel terrible when my efforts aren’t good enough to keep my commitments.

To become a great leader in this world is to be the man/woman of your word. Promise means everything. Once it is broken, sorry means nothing.

Published by
Shree RajShree Maa

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