

Published by
Shree RajShree Maa

“You can put on a mask, but that doesn’t change who You are underneath.”

A human being is the greatest artist who has an incredible ability to portray a hunky dory or a miserable life. One cannot go by the face value of what is being portrayed. Truth is veiled deep beneath several layers of external projections.

Never go by what you see, hear, or perceive since all that is nothing but a facade or a sham. If you go to someone’s Facebook or Instagram profile, you will feel jealous of how beautiful is their life in comparison to yours. Whereas, the reality is not what is projected in all those happy faces and glamorous pictures.

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A powerful lesson and truth which my preceptor unveiled that everyone wears a beautiful make-up to hide the adversities or trials and tribulations which they have to contend with in their real-life.

Everyone is an actor and are trying to play their best by portraying an image which is unreal just because they have ulterior motives. The motives are society, family, job, money, name, fame, power, position; you name it. However, the truth is, they are all hiding behind this gorgeous Venetian masks which have a long history of protecting the wearer’s identity during the promiscuous or decadent activities.


Published by
Shree RajShree Maa

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