
Learn from Everyone

Published by
Shree RajShree Maa

“We learn something from everyone who passes through our lives, Some lessons are painful, Some are painless, but all are Priceless.”

Learning is an art; it is human nature to think that we are all knowing. We always tend to believe the opposite person doesn’t have enough knowledge.

What we fail to understand is that there is something to learn from everyone since nobody knows everything but everyone knows something that you don’t know. Knowledge comes only to those who are humble and open-minded.

People who believe that they know too much will never grow or succeed in life. The same knowledge will be the reason for their downfall. The greatest of the people will never display the strength of their knowledge, but will always be willing to learn.

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I have experienced people who flaunt their knowledge but never seen them give the knowledge to others. It is when I met my preceptor, that my entire world changed. He made me unlearn all that I had learnt and started to teach me all that I need to know by driving me mad to get the real education.

I am amazed at how my preceptor never opens his mouth in front of others who show-off their ego despite having little or no knowledge. A lesson I live and breath.

“Never miss an opportunity to Shut-up and Learn.”

Published by
Shree RajShree Maa

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