Superheroes And Mortals
After watching all the Avengers movies, every person wishes he has some superpowers. You all wish you were like those superheroes. Ask any kid on the block and he will >>
After watching all the Avengers movies, every person wishes he has some superpowers. You all wish you were like those superheroes. Ask any kid on the block and he will >>
'Krsna’, whose nature is secretive and unknown, is not only ‘Sat-Chit-Anand’ (Truth Knowledge Bliss) but one who can never be fathomed, whose ways are inscrutable and indescribable. One who is >>
What is tougher, to find a perfect Guru or find a great disciple? I feel the Guru part is easy since there are too many who want to teach. But >>
The story of Mahabharata talks about the extreme attachment felt by Dhritharastra to his two sons Duryodhan and Dushyasan. So who is this character in that wonderful text? Dhritharastra is >>
Why should someone invest time in spiritual? Does anyone get anything constructive out of it? Are there any benefits or gains to be measured by following spiritualism? Since there aren't >>
Why do people hide greed under the guise of inflation? Why do we pay more for stuff that costs so less? So why does the hero of Dallas Buyers Club >>
Are women born unequal? Are they inferior to anyone? Are they not having any rights in the world today? Man has always decided about almost everything in his world, but >>
Leopards cannot change spots and you cannot change your inherent nature, so stop trying. You should stick to your nature always, that's swadharma. But using that nature for the purpose >>