What Separates Us From God?
KrsnaGuru teaches that it is the mind that keeps us apart from God. How powerful is the mind? Take a moment to select any one object of focus, and now >>
KrsnaGuru teaches that it is the mind that keeps us apart from God. How powerful is the mind? Take a moment to select any one object of focus, and now >>
Our Spiritual Quest continues with Master KrsnaKnows. If you think that a Spiritual path is a shortcut to end some misery in your life, you may be surprised. Listen as >>
In this episode, our Spiritual Master KrsnaKnows guides us on our Spiritual Quest by answering our many questions. The journey has started! Ask your questions and get your answers. You >>
In this episode, our Spiritual Master KrsnaKnows guides us on our Spiritual Quest by answering our many questions. Do you know how to begin your journey? Do you know how >>
Here we are continuing our Spiritual Quest with Master KrsnaKnows. Do you know how to find your Guru? Why is it said that the Guru finds you? Is your Guru >>
KrsnaGuru teaches we are always Free. Much of my blog writings are directly from the Spiritual lessons learned from my dear Guruji. The lessons are ideal. The daily living of >>
KrsnaGuru teaches me to understand the importance of my human birth. The human experience is one of suffering and that suffering is connected to the body itself. Even while in >>
Who is GOD? Where do I find HIM? How can I meet GOD? Are these your quest? Listen and begin your Spiritual Quest to know and understand God. Your search >>
Krsnaji teaches that when you come to God or Guru with only Love and Devotion, you are irresistible to Him. Some people seek God because they want something. They have >>
KrsnaGuru teaches that spiritual growth will happen according to God’s timetable and not my own. What is the goal of a spiritual aspirant? Guruji teaches that a true spiritual aspirant >>
KrsnaGuru teaches we appear by design. A dream world of imagination Not my imagination, but His Each atom choreographed Moved according to His law This is His Divine play Appearing >>
Krsnaji teaches that God is always with me. At the point when I could say that my life was fulfilled and that there was nothing more to claim, God unlocked >>