Superheroes And Mortals
After watching all the Avengers movies, every person wishes he has some superpowers. You all wish you were like those superheroes. Ask any kid on the block and he will >>
After watching all the Avengers movies, every person wishes he has some superpowers. You all wish you were like those superheroes. Ask any kid on the block and he will >>
The easiest thing to do when you don’t have enough money is to rent. You buy only when you have some to spend. Am I saying it right? There are >>
Man is so insecure that he fears every little change that happens in life. He is too scared even if nothing happens or moves. Have you seen a candidate waiting >>
KrsnaGuruji teaches me not to accept limits. When the senses encounter an object, the mind begins to register its attributes, the intellect defines it, and then the mind makes judgements >>
KrsnaGuruji teaches me to fearlessly move through life. For weeks now, I have been clearing out my home. Through the course of the last 20 years, stacks of boxes and >>
“You can put on a mask, but that doesn’t change who You are underneath.” A human being is the greatest artist who has an incredible ability to portray a hunky >>
“The most beautiful attire/ornament that you can ever wear is Your Smile” The smile on my face doesn’t mean my life is perfect. It only means that I appreciate and >>
What you think, you become. What feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create. We are a product of our thoughts. It is the nature of the mind to create >>
“Let It Go and Let It Be” When you let go, you create space for something beautiful in life. It is human nature to hold on to things due to >>
Anxieties and tensions are a part and parcel of everyone's life. No one is spared from this mind upheavals and almost everyone succumbs. Lets get to where it started. Someone >>
When the couple is newly married they walk together, then later in life they walk one in front and one far behind. One lives in the today and one in >>
I was doing a lesson from a scripture with my KrsnaGuru, and suddenly I felt an illumination within myself. It was like a knot that broke up filling my entire >>