Susan's Corner

Do You Want It Now?

Published by
Susan Yankoski

KrsnaGuru teaches that spiritual growth will happen according to God’s timetable and not my own.

What is the goal of a spiritual aspirant? Guruji teaches that a true spiritual aspirant does not come before God to ask for worldly favors. The true spiritual aspirant may seek God to gain moksha (dissolving into God), others may seek self-realization and liberation from samsara (the cycle of births and deaths). In my journey, I aspire to love God, know God in my heart and serve Him.

In The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, it is said, “Unless one has learnt to love God, one cannot realize Him.” My dear Guruji teaches the path of love and devotion (bhakti). Nothing on the path is within my control and therein lies my pain.

Much of my life’s pain has come from desire. Recently, I asked Guruji about the desire to know God, “is it still a desire that causes pain?” The answer was yes. “Desire, even toward the divine is still a desire.” In His teachings, KrsnaKnows explains that during the early stages on this path, desire is experienced because one feels separate from God—one can not yet see God inside or outside of himself. Blessedly, Guruji assures me that desire will slowly give way to devotional bliss.

The timing of this unfolding and the pace of devotional growth is not within my control. Krsnaji instructs that only by putting forth my efforts and following His teachings, can I keep on the path. It is my duty to do my part to move ahead.

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In my life, the efforts are getting up early for bathing, sitting for meditation, listening and singing bhajans (devotional songs) for God, reading about the Divine and keeping the company of holy people (satsang). I must work to be the epitome of His word and live in the world while being kind, loving, and compassionate. As Krsnaji says, “be your good self!”

Since the KrsnaKnows Satsangs are on the internet, it is my duty to listen again and again so that his lessons are instilled in me. It is not enough to just listen once, as the lessons soon get lost in the mind. Additionally, the onus is on me to ask Him the questions that can help me better understand His teachings.

By keeping God in my thoughts day and night, my devotion grows. With His grace, God becomes evident. Recalling, in my mind’s eye, the images of God and my Guru helps my devotion grow.

My Guruji is always guiding me along, and as he has told me, spiritual growth will happen, but it will happen according to God’s timetable, not mine.

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