Susan's Corner

Establishing a Practice

Published by
Susan Yankoski

KrsnaGuruji teaches me to have single pointed devotion.

Krsna expounds the many paths to Him. Whichever way you choose or do not choose to find the Supreme Divine Consciousness is correct. Guruji’s teachings illuminate the Truth that God is as you want Him to be. In the Bhagavad Gita (Ch4 v11), Sri Krsna states, ”…howsoever men seek Me, even so do I respond to them; for all men follow My path in everyway.”

My many months of trying to meditate on the abstract formless God brought great pain and heartache since I could not see Him. However, just before my first trip to India, I received my first glimpse of the Divine through a photo of my KrsnaGuru. The picture was in jest for some, yet for me, it was profound. Countless times, His image in that photograph has brought me to tears. For me, the beauty of His Divine essence is captured in that image.

While visiting India for the second time, I learned the benefit of mediating on a Divine form. My stay was filled with countless temple visits throughout South India, the celebration of Durga puja in Kolkata and Diwali in Goa. It was while sitting in front of the images singing bhajans with other disciple/devotees that the benefit of the form was apparent. It is just more straightforward to focus on an image instead of an ideal. So before leaving India, Guruji fulfilled my request and brought to me a statue of Sri Krsna from Bangalore. The murti was unpackaged and prayed to there at the ashram. Bringing the statue back to the United States, I knew that I had made a commitment to care for this image of Sri Krsna. It took a couple of weeks to re-establish my home life and to set up a space to place the form.

Being instructed that all deities should face east, I searched for an area whereby the God would not have to be shifted around. A drawing of my KrsnaGuru is placed at the center of my worship area. In front of the drawing is the beloved statue of Sri Krsna and pictures of Sri RamaKrishna Paramhansa, Swamiji Vivekananda, and the Holy Mother. Also, placed amongst Them is the baby Krsna, two peacocks and several gifts given to me by Guruji, the KrsnAshram and other devotees.

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Sometime last year, a fellow devotee re-posted a video on Facebook that depicted a poor woman outside of a temple imitating (by her meager means) that which was taking place in the sanctum. My practice is like that woman’s. It is with wholehearted devotion that I worship and praise the Lord. May God forgive me for any mistakes or infractions made out of my ignorance. Certainly, the Thursday puja here may be a bit unorthodox, but it is performed with respect and heartfelt reverence to my Guruji based on all that I have seen, learned and understand.

My morning worship is set within a specific time frame, I bathe, light a candle and incense. Then after bowing to my Guruji, my prayers and meditation begin with two bhajans, one to Lord Ganesha and one to Goddess Saraswati. Thoughts of my Guruji are with me all throughout the day. When not engrossed in my required work or duties, my effort is to turn my mind toward God. My day is filled with podcasts, YouTube and the reading of great books to better understand and further this quest guided by my KrsnaGuru.

Beyond this practice, Guruji blesses me with one-on-one Satangs via Facetime during the week. He further blesses all of us with a group Satsang that is broadcasted weekly. Oh, how kind and loving is God to be here to guide us!

There are days that I cannot follow my morning practice and there are times when Guruji is traveling and Satsang is not possible. At these times, I may begin to feel alone. But, by centering thoughts in the region of my heart I find Him. The Love and Grace of my Guru is always with me!

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