Susan's Corner

God, Love and Service

Published by
Susan Yankoski

Krsnaji teaches the highest Love.

Guruji’s lesson was about Love and how it binds one to the world. If your Love is confined to only those few you select or to those few who select you, then Love will limit you. When Love is shared unconditionally with all, then one is free.

Can we free ourselves once entangled? Perhaps, but the cost is much pain for those who want to keep Love only to themselves. Love given freely without attachment and received in kind is never entangled and is always free.

Is it possible to Love unconditionally without trying to make a quid pro quo transaction of it? Is it possible to Love without using that Love as ransom? Saintly beings like Mother Teresa graced this Earth with their unconditional, nontransactional Love for all. Mother Teresa Loved Jesus Christ and knew him to be present in everyone. Even when her own heart ached with longing for the Lord whom she Loved, she served all.

By the words of my Guruji, the highest Love is Viraha Bhakti—Love in separation. Most have known how the heart aches for our earthly beloved in separation, now imagine how strongly the heart aches with longing for the Divine. The potency of the energy created in longing makes Love even more powerful.

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Love seeks expression, and when we direct the power of Love outward in the service of others we glimpse our purpose. Not everyone is here to serve the great masses of humanity, some are here to serve just the smallest of creatures. Serving the world doesn’t always connote some grand undertaking, just serve by any means which God has provided you with. Every being has a purpose.

So how does one proceed? When one is on a spiritual path, there is no denying the Love for God. Love is God’s Truth and can not be ignored once the heart has been opened. Find God in the work you perform. Guruji teaches us to let this life unfold and do one’s swadharma. As always, the question then comes, ”What is my swadharma?” It is that which comes to you naturally, no need to create something else and certainly does not take on the swadharma of another.

Devote your work and Love to God! God Loves all, and all are dear to Him, He wants only our devotion. The spiritual path of Bhakti is the path that is open to all. Hear the glories of God, Father in heaven, Jesus, Krnsa, Guru, Supreme Divine Consciousness, however you wish to know Him, and the saints and sages too! Love God and let your heart long for Him.

In the words of my Guruji, it does not matter where you are, He is always with you! “Be loving, be kind, be compassionate, and be your good self!”

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