Susan's Corner

God Within

KrsnaGuru teaches that God is within me and outside me. "You are that Divine Eternal Being,” my understanding is that we are all that One.

Published by
Susan Yankoski

KrsnaGuru teaches that God is within me and outside me.

My rumination of this teaching is quite visual. For me, comes as an image of a sort of all-pervasive protoplasm of Spirit which rises and falls as everything. It rises inside and outside of everything. The shell of forms are the appearances. Of course, this is only an imagination of the Spirit.

In a recent one on one Satsang with the Master, Shree KrsnaGuru was speaking of the God within when an awareness came to me. “I am nothing.” That which I think of as me is nothing, just a shell of form – the sheaths. From this awareness came a pang of emotion regarding this body. It is a little frightening, to give up the delusion that has been this life.

It is not as though the body is leaving, it is definitely here. It is my attachment to this body that is leaving. And it is not sadness or mourning that I experience, but just awareness. All of the bodies are God’s tools. My job is to navigate the path He has set for me. My job is to create as few disturbances as possible on this path while taking the necessary actions.

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When Guruji says, “You are that Divine Eternal Being,” my understanding is that we are all that One.

Sometimes I try to perceive a world where we might see each other as the same Divine Eternal Being. How would we raise a hand against another? How could we love just a few?

The universe has its own path too. KrsnaGuru teaches that we will not be fearful once we know God is our Charioteer!

|| Jai Shree KrsnaGuru ||

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