The Real Truth
Retelling the story every time changes the fabric of the story. Truth is always one but falsehood has too many versions. Be truthful. There are too many versions of the >>
Faith In Scriptures
When you doubt the genesis, authenticity, history, antiquity or just validity of any spiritual scriptures, it’s called faithlessness! Man has to totally put his faith and trust in the spiritual >>
Is attachment the root cause of suffering?
A man with attachments becomes possessive, overprotective and domineering. Making him selfish and greedy while being alive or dead. Recently a famous personality died and while on deathbed he said >>
A Special Mountain Top to Meditate
Everyone meditates on mountain tops, river banks, caves, holy places and ashrams. But for me, I had a special mountain top to meditate on. In Jayanagar, we had taken up >>