“You can put on a mask, but that doesn’t change who You are underneath.” A human being is the greatest artist who has an incredible ability to portray a hunky >>
“You can put on a mask, but that doesn’t change who You are underneath.” A human being is the greatest artist who has an incredible ability to portray a hunky >>
“The most beautiful attire/ornament that you can ever wear is Your Smile” The smile on my face doesn’t mean my life is perfect. It only means that I appreciate and >>
You are what You Do, Not what You say You’ll Do. When you say you will do something and don’t do it, you teach others including yourself that you cannot >>
What you think, you become. What feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create. We are a product of our thoughts. It is the nature of the mind to create >>
“The art of communication is the language of leadership.” In life no matter what job you do, your success will be determined 5% by your academic credentials, 15% by your >>
“A good sense of humour is an escape value for the pressures of Life.” A good sense of humour is a person’s greatest asset. The skill helps you connect and >>
“When Faith and Hope are gone the Time becomes Punishment.” The punishment is the imposition of a penalty as retribution for an offence committed. Although it sounds negative we all >>
“We learn something from everyone who passes through our lives, Some lessons are painful, Some are painless, but all are Priceless.” Learning is an art; it is human nature to >>
“A recipe has no Soul, As a Cook, You must bring Soul to the Recipe.” I strongly believe that cooking is an art which needs to be cultivated, nurtured, and >>
An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes in his narrow field that can ever be made. A significant life lesson taught to me by my preceptor >>
OMG! It has been a long delayed flight. I seek your apologies. Now that I am back after a big bamboo from my preceptor let me continue the storytelling sessions >>
It has been 8.5 years since I came into Spirituality and became the ardent devotee of Lord Shree Krsna. Right from the very first day I met my KrsnaGuru, it >>