Susan's Corner

Why Did God Create Us?

Why did God created us? To Love Him and to be Loved by Him. KrsnaKnows teaches that it is right to praise God with focused Devotion.

Published by
Susan Yankoski

My Guru KrsnaKnows teaches that there are many paths to God, some are superior to others, but all lead to Him.

Why Did God Create Us?

My humble understanding from the lessons of my dear Guruji is that God created us to Love Him and to be Loved by Him. It was not by some great ego or any loneliness that we were created, it was by Love.

We have been created that we might know and experience God’s Love. We are not here to judge His creation, we are here to know Love. If I only knew Love, how would I know that Love was in fact, Love? It would just be the only state of existence. This world of opposites provides the tools for us to know Love.

Most people have some knowledge of Love as experienced within a family and some may also have some knowledge of the loss of Love as experienced within a family. Both experiences help to define Love. Yet this is the worldly Love, it is conditioned on us giving something or doing something to receive Love.

Born of God’s Maya we are ignorant of God’s Love. We believe we are separate from Him. God’s creative power provides the illusion of not being Loved and not knowing Him. But we, along with all of creation, are Him. Guruji teaches that we should make Maya our friend. Ask Maya for the world you want and She will give you that.

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Many motivational speakers and life coaches will tell you to go after whatever it is you want in this life. Constantly, they say we have the potential to achieve anything and everything in this life. They are right!

But their worldly view leaves out the most important part of this life–God! It is God’s Maya that takes us wherever we go. To whatever height one reaches and to whatever depth one may fall, it is His Maya. Praise God that we may do the work that He has given us and ask not for the fulfilment of worldly desires.

My KrsnaGuru is removing the darkness to reveal the light of God’s unconditional and eternal Love. It is the blessings of My Dear Guruji that frees me from the delusions created by His Maya. Krsnaji teaches that it is right to praise God with focused Devotion. Love of God is unconditional, no matter where we may be in life, whether we are on top of the world or in its belly.

My Spiritual Master teaches that there are many paths to God. It is the path of Bhakti Yoga, that of Love and Devotion, which He expounds. We are here to Love and be Loved by God.

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